What a tight election race, but Gilly is making history!
Julia Gillard was sworn in as Australia's first female prime minister, meaning that Labor is back to power. Former boxer Tony Abbott and his liberals have lost the race.
It is however a minority government, which means that Gillard will have to keep the independent MPs happy.
There is speculation that a minority government will not stand, and that there might be another election shortly. Let's hope not... Did you know that this election cost the country around 100 million dollars?
As for me, I enjoyed a very colorful election night!
Indeed, I met with South Australian Premier Mike Rann.
I also briefly chatted with Norwood Labor candidate Kate Ellis.
Let's not forget the Godfather of Adelaide politics, whose daughter is friends with Margeaux, Mr. Don Ferrell.
For some reason (Coopers?) I completely forget who is this man but apparently he is involved in politics too.
I have never met so many people with a Wikipedia entry in one night. More importantly, I have never drank so many free Coopers in one night... Tasty!